The Church and COVID-19

As you all know we are in a Global Pandemic known as Corona- Virus (COVID-19), we as a church understand that people are worried and are looking for answers.

We as a Church are following what our governments are asking as far as washing hands, keeping to a minimum or no contact as mass and our Presiding Bishop has issues a message to the whole church:

Dear Clergy and PCC Family,

Grace and Peace!

In response to health concerns for the safety of our people, I have following the guidelines of our Governments and states asked all our clergy and Bishops to not hold public services if asked. This is truly upsetting we as a church never wanted to do this.  The Council of Bishops are meeting more than normal to see if as a church there is something more we can do, we are following all guidelines given to churches. That being said we are still live streaming services so that you can stay at home and still worship with us. If one of our churches are given permission to open we ask all to follow what the parish has been asked to do, such as the washing and sanitizing of hands, wearing masks and keeping to social distancing.

Remember we are praying for you all and ask if you can pray for us and each other we ask you to stay safe and when we can open our doors again we will let you know.

In Christ,

+Barry Frier (Presiding Bishop)

We also ask that you do check your local government websites for the latest news in your areas. while we are keeping our churches open we do ask that is you do have any of the symptoms:

that you self isolate or even isolate your whole family for up to 7 days if not longer. This also means keeping away from places of worship.

The Progressive Catholic Church do stream our services live via Facebook and then on our YouTube page which can be found at Progressive Catholic Church TV.

We are also following the advice below:



Please know we are praying for you all and ask you to pray for each other while this situation is still ongoing.

Please know that the Council of Bishops are keeping an eye on any developments and will of course take action regarding our church if and when they are needed.  Also know that if you are self isolated or know someone who is unable to go shopping for groceries that you can contact your local church and they will try and help in anyway possible.

Remember we are a Global family and we take care of each other.